New Delhi: On a continued downward slope, India’s Active Caseload further declines to 16,35,993; less than 2 Lakh since 8 successive  days
Active Cases decrease by 77,420 in last 24 hours
India reports 1.32 Lakh Daily New Cases in last 24 hours, maintaining continued trend in decreasing Daily New Cases
More than 2.65 crore persons have recovered from COVID across the country so far
2,07,071 patients recovered during last 24 hours
More daily Recoveries than Daily New Cases for 22 consecutive days
On a sustained upward slope, National Recovery Rate further increases to 93.08%
Weekly Positivity Rate currently at 7.27%
Daily positivity rate at 6.38%, less than 10% for 11 consecutive days
COVID Testing capacity substantially ramped up–35.7cr tests total conducted
22.41 crore Vaccine Doses administered so far under Nationwide Vaccination Drive