Farmers’ leaders call for Bharat Bandh on Dec 8


New Delhi, December 4: Amid the ongoing protest against the contentious farm laws recently passed by the Centre, the agitating farmer leaders on Friday called for ‘Bharat Bandh’ on December 8 (Tuesday).

“We have decided to give ‘Bharat bandh’ call on December 8,” farmer leader Harvinder Singh Ladkhwal was quoted as saying by news agencies after a meeting.

The farmers say that the plan is to block the remaining roads of Delhi and intensify the ongoing protests in case the government still does not accept the demand of the farmers to unconditionally repeal the contentious farm laws. We have planned to block remaining roads of Delhi,” Lakhwal said.

Farmer leader Gurnam Singh Chadoni said, “If government does not accept our demands in the meeting tomorrow, we will intensify our agitation against new farm laws.”

This comes as thousands of farmers, mainly from Punjab and Haryana, have been protesting at the gates of the national capital against the recent farm laws passed by the Central government.

With the protesting farmers sticking to their demand for the repeal of the Centre’s new farm laws, thousands remained at the national capital’s border points on Friday amid heavy police deployment.

Meanwhile, farmer leaders and the Centre are engaged in talks to resolve their differences. Since the protesting farmers landed at the gateways of Delhi last week, the government has held two rounds of talks with their leaders to resolve the deadlock. The next round of talks is scheduled to be held on Saturday.

Protesting farmers from Uttar Pradesh have blocked National Highway-9 near the UP Gate while those from Punjab and Haryana are staying put at other border points leading to Delhi.

According to the police, Tikri and Jharoda borders are closed for any traffic movement while Badusarai border is open only for light motor vehicles like cars and two wheelers. Jhatikara border is open only for two-wheelers

The farmers are protesting against The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020, The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020, and The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020.