NCC organise interactive presentation on social media and its impact on youth


Jammu: An online interactive presentation session was conducted by JUO Avleen Kour of GGM Science College under the guidance of Dr (Capt) Anjana Sharma, ANO and Commanding Officer Col Satvinder Singh, 2 J&K Girls Battalion NCC on “Social Media and its impact on youth, with special reference to students” for the cadets, ANO’s of different colleges, schools and the NCC officers of Jammu group.

Social Media has become inescapable requirement of students in present times. Though parents would always like their children to use social media selectively mostly for educational purpose but gradually it seems to be an addiction. The NCC cadet was encouraged to conduct the class due to generational differences of opinion about “Social Media Usage”. Therefore, it was considered necessary to organize an interactive class for NCC cadets by NCC cadet.

The presentation was all about the awareness, applicability, benefits as well as the bad effects of the social media on the students in particular. Social media do contain various technology enabled activities like blogging, social gaming, social networks (FB, Twitter, Insta, Whatsapp etc), official activities, virtual world and many more. Moreover dependency on social media has been increased manifold during this pandemic.

Although use of technology has been a boon for the students for online teaching, sharing notes etc. Social media can also have negative effect on student’s future too as it lacks emotional and physical connection and bonding besides other health hazards. She has also discussed the information technology Act, 2000 and its main objectives during interaction. The Banned (Chinese) applications and their harmful effects on the teenagers and others were also highlighted in the presentation. The cadet emphasized on balanced use of social media platforms by the younger generation so that the harmful effects can be minimized.

Similar to other technological development, social media can also be proved a boon or curse. Individual ingenuity needs to be exercised while using any of the social media platforms. Youths should not fall prey to biased and subversive agenda spread by inimical person or organizations.

The online presentation session was also attended by various NCC officers viz, Group Cdr and Deputy Group Commander, TO Jammu Group, CO’s of different units, ANO’s of various Institutions.