Rising Star Corps organised a Civil Military Liaison Conference (CMLC) for Kangra Division, at Yol Cantt on 11 Oct 2021.

The conference was aimed at achieving greater coordination and synergy at both functional and planning levels between the civil and military agencies. The conference was co-chaired by Brig G Srinivas, Brig Sandeep S Sharda and Dr SS Guleria, IAS, Divisional Commissioner, Kangra Division attended by senior military officers and officials of state administration. Issues related to security intelligence, welfare of veterans and land were discussed during the conference.

It was highlighted that the conference is organised to effectively coordinate and synergize joint efforts to resolve issues of mutual interest. The military officials thanked Dr SS Guleria and his team for the wholehearted support to the defence forces and for the positive response in resolving a number of issues.

Dr SS Guleria, IAS also complimented the Armed Forces for their role in nation building and assured Army and Ex-servicemen community, including war widows of full support in all possible spheres. Both Army and civil administration agreed on requirement of having regular interaction in the future at functional and apex level respectively. Lt Gen PN Ananthanarayanan, General Officer Commanding Rising Star Corps also had a brief interaction with the officials of the civil administration on multifarious issues of mutual concern. He was appreciative of the overwhelming support extended by them in the past and exhorted the need for continued synergy, coordination and collaboration between army and civil agencies. He stated that civil and military authorities are two wheels of a cart, which move together in the service of the nation. The CMLC marks the foundation of strengthening the cordial relations between army and civil authorities to work hand in hand and achieve greater synergy with each other. Both agencies acknowledged the need for working together towards the cause of the people and security of the state. The event yielded fruitful outcomes for effective collaboration.