Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah replaced with national emblem of GOI in J&K Police Medals


JAMMU, MAY 23: The Jammu and KashMir Government on Monday changed the nominckatirs of J&K Police Medal for Gallantry and J&K Police Medal for Meritorious Service.
Ordering modification I. Para 4 of the Pllice Medal Scheme,a government order issued by J&K Home Department said that the Sher-I-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah embossed on one side of the Medal be replaced by national emblem of the Government of India and the other side inscribed by the J&K State emblem shall be inscribed as Jammu and Kashmir Police Medal for Gallantry and Jammu and Kashmir Police Medal for Meritorious Servicein the case of Gallantry/Meritorious medal, as the case may be.