Central Govt orders premature retirement of Basant Rath


JAMMU, AUGUST 9: Basant Rath, a 2000 batch IPS officer of AGUMT cadre, was finally shown the door after Central Government on late Wednesday evening ordered his premature retirement “in public interest” with immediate effect,

In lieu of three months notice to Rath, the government decided to pay him three months salary along with the allowances.

“In exercise of the powers conferred under Rule 16(3) of the All India Services (Death cum-Retirement Benefits) Rukes 1958,the President in consultation with the UT Division, Mi  no Ishey of Home Affairs hereby required Shei Basant Kumar Rath, IPS (AGUMT 2000), a member of the Indian Police Setvice born on the AGUMT cadre, to retire in public interest with immediate effect by giving three months pay and allowance in lieu of notice,” read an order issued by Raman Kumar, Under Secretary to Givernment of India in the Ministry of Home Affairs (Police-I Divison).

A cheque for a sum equivalent to the aggregate amount of his pay and allowances for a period of three months, calculated at the same rate at which he was drawing immediately before the date of this order, is enclosed,” it added.

The retirement order followed a few hours after Rath posted a video on his Twitter handle Basant Rath @KangriCartier levelling serious allegations against both the Union Hone Secretary Ajay Bhalla and J&K’s Director General of Police Dilbagh Singh.

Sending the order to J&K Chief Secretary, the ministry has asked him to deliver it to Rath against receipt from him.