Jammu and Kashmir | Ramban police recovers ammunition near Sumbar


JAMMU, May 11: During the intervening night, an information was received through reliable sources regarding presence of caché of ammunition and related material in Sumbar area of District Ramban.
Acting swiftly on this, a special team was constituted which was lead by Inspector Sampaul Gill SHO Dharamkund, under the supervision of Nihar Ranjan SDPO Gool. Searches continued in the dense jungles for the entire night and finally after strenuous efforts, 179 Nos. ammunition (including AK-47 132 Nos., 7.65 mm 21 Nos., 303 mm 14 Nos., Chineese Pistol Rounds 12 Nos.), 2 Nos. Magazines, 1 No. Wireless Set, 1 No. Binacular and 2 Nos. UBGL Gernnades with 1 No. UBGL Rod/Tube were recovered.
The entire operation was carried out under the overall supervision of Mohita Sharma, IPS SSP Ramban. An investigation into the matter has started.