Srinagar Admin Srinagar to and conduct Rapid Antigen Test on People Found Without Masks


Srinagar: Deputy Commissioner Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad on Saturday ordered the medical officers to impose fine and conduct Rapid Antigen Testing on those found timing at public places without masks.The direction came at a meeting attended by ADC, Syed Haneef Balkhi, ADC, Khursheed Ah Shah; Joint Director Planning Srinagar, Assistant Commissioner, Srinagar, Nodal Officer Covid, Dy CMO, Medical Superintendent, BMOs, ZMOs and other officers.While showing the concern regarding resurgence of Covid 19 virus, Aijaz Asad  said the virus is very much present here and chasing us. He stressed on strict enforcement of Covid SOPs including compulsory wearing of masks, maintaining social distance, use of sanitizers and sanitization. He said those found roaming at public places without masks shall be fined and subject to Rapid Antigen Testing in the interest of community at large.The directive has apparently came as large number of people have been witnessed roaming without masks albeit a spike recorded in the COVID cases for nearly a week now.He said the recent spike in the positive cases is a matter of serious concern and adequate administrative as well as medical measures are required to remind public that the deadly virus has not vanished yet instead various strands of the virus have emerged all over the world.He exhorted on the officers present to reactivate functionaries for the containment of Covid virus.Further, he impressed on the identification of containment zones and adoption of required Covid protocol.He directed officers to fine those persons who have relinquished wearing of masks, added that the person should be tested for Covid on spot.Besides, Aijaz said that vaccination process needs to be intensified on full swing to develop preventive immunity in the masses.