Jammu: BJP in Jammu Kashmir is going to Launch National Health Volunteer Campaign here on Monday.
This was stated by Former Minister and General Secretary BJP Dr Devinder Kumar Manyal in a press briefing at party HQ Trikuta Nagar .
Manyal said that the National campaign was launched at New Delhi by National President BJP J P Nadda where in 120 Health Volunteers from 30 States and UTs were trained. A team of 4 Health Volunteers and One IT incharge led by Dr D K Manyal from Jammu Kashmir also attended this training . The others attended this training were Munish Sharma , Arvind Gupta , Dr Farida Khan from Kashmir And Ishant Mahajan IT incharge.
Dr Manyal informed that continuing the process tomorrow a team of about 110 health Volunteers will be attending the training programme at party HQ Trikuta Nagar. The campaign was started by BJP to tackle and handle COVID 19 affected people and to aware the people regarding COVID 19 and the for the better management of any patient of COVID 19 in case the much talked about 3rd Wave of COVID 19 hits India .
Shiv Parkash, National Seh Sanghtan Mahamantri will be the chief guest of the event along with Ravinder Raina,President BJP J&K and Ashok Koul, Sanghthan Mahamantri J&K .
Volunteers from the 10 distt’s of the UT shall be attending this training comprising 4 Health workers from each Distt along with Prabhari and Seh Prabhari of the said district. The volunteers will be given a first hand training in the management of COVID 19
Expert doctors will be providing this training to the volunteers, regarding early detection of cases, awareness, Sanitization, Vaccination and treatment in case a patient is found positive . The volunteers will be provided a pulse oxymeter, thermal scanner, a thermometer, A kit of Immunity boosting drugs along with guide booklet containing all information regarding COVID 19 .
The volunteers will be working in their respective areas and will help the people if at all any cases of COVID are detected in their village .
They will be in touch with the local health authorities like ASHA , ANM , GNM Local Medical Officer, BMO , CMO of the respective distts. Shall be carrying the contact no. for Ambulance , Hospital, Blood Bank , Etc.
These volunteers will be working to assist and help the administration also and will not be treating or giving any medicine to the affected people.
After the training at party HQ all the districts shall be conducting the same training for the Mandal level workers and then up to Booth level . Four workers will be from each mandal with atleast one female in the team.
Two workers shall be deputed from each booth one male and one female .
Dr Manyal said that the workers shall be undertaking mass awareness programmes also and shall advise people to follow appropriate COVID behaviour
The campaign shall be taken up under the ongoing social programme of BJP “ Sewa Hi Sanghthan.