Govt policies about KPs never meant their return to the Valley; says Panun Kashmir


Jammu: Several Kashmiri Pandit leaders here on Sunday appealed the Lt Governor Manoj Sinha to re-examine the content of the return and rehabilitation policies with regard to the internally displaced Hindus of Kashmir over the years and recognize that such policies were never meant for their permanent sustainable return, but only aimed at handing them over to a social and political order that perpetrated genocide against them.

“It is our considered view that the return and rehabilitation policies of successive governments in Jammu and Kashmir for Hindus of Kashmir were actually aimed at denial of their geneocide’’ as the “Government of India and successive government of J&K have been more concerned about fudging and hiding the grave crime against humanity of religious cleansing committed in Kashmir against Hindus,’’ said Dr Ajay Chrungoo, chairman of Panun Kashmir, a main organization of displaced Kashmiri Pandits. He was accompanied among others by Dr Agnishekhar, convenor of Panun Kashmir.

“We urge the LG to look into the content and motivation of the employment policy seeking return of Hindus of Kashmir to the Valley over the years. This policy essentially teats them as bonded labourers prying on their destitution,’’ he said, adding that their normal rights as being employees of the government have been compromised and they are denied normal promotions and benefits for their being recruited under the PM’s employment package.

“In fact, the whole employment package for internally displaced Hindus has turned out to be sinister process of hostaging them to a Muslim order with which successive governments of the day have sought to strike political deals,’’ the Kashmiri Pandit leader said.

“Is the government aware of that conversions have actually happened in Kashmir in recent times?’’ he asked, adding “Is the government aware about the demeaning and dehumanizing acts taking place against such employees’’ (recruited under PM’s package) and also the reasons “why the Government of India and the then state government was unable to fulfil the pacakage for 6,000 employees which it tom-tommed in front of the nation and the international community’’?

He further asked that “Isn’t it the same package declared by previous government which the present BJP government is trying to fulfil’’?

The Panun Kashmir leaders appealed to the LG to recognise the imperative necessaity of expunging all elements from its policy with regard to the Hindus of Kashmir that contribute towards the denial of their genocide and prevent its government from committing such a crime.

They also urged the Central and UT governments to take seriously the develoments in Afghanistan, saying that already a “scrumptious campaign has started to project the withdrawal of US forces as the defeat of an alliance led by a second superpower at the hands of Jihad’’. They cautioned the GOI and UT government to be “extremely alert’’ about the danger fallout of Afghanistan’s situation in Jammu Kashmir and rest of India.